Thursday, December 3, 2015

November Photo-a-Day Challenge - To the End

November 23 - Brown - I recently pulled this necklace out of the jewelry archives (or rather the bottom of the jewelry box).  I made this when we first got married.  It's made from seed beads and safety pins.  

November 24 - Warm - The little girl in this display is dressed up very warmly.

November 25 - Baking - The annual baking of my pumpkin roll the night before Thanksgiving.

November 26 - Cooking - Rachel helped with the cooking.  She made this delicious cornbread and this is how she ate it.

November 27 - Full - a full plate of Swedish meatballs surely made me feel full also.

November 28 - Shopping - Small Business Saturday shopping at the local antique store for vintage Christmas postcards.

November 29 - Organizing - Organizing my strips of paper for the paper Christmas light garland I made for the office.

November 30 - Happy - Happy that the garage is done and all the contractors are gone.  At least until the spring when the driveway will get redone.

I think I missed two days, but the prompts for those days were too difficult for me to come up with something. The prompts in general were pretty good ones and I'm happy I was able to find something to photograph for most of them.