Thursday, December 3, 2015

November Photo-a-Day Challenge - To the End

November 23 - Brown - I recently pulled this necklace out of the jewelry archives (or rather the bottom of the jewelry box).  I made this when we first got married.  It's made from seed beads and safety pins.  

November 24 - Warm - The little girl in this display is dressed up very warmly.

November 25 - Baking - The annual baking of my pumpkin roll the night before Thanksgiving.

November 26 - Cooking - Rachel helped with the cooking.  She made this delicious cornbread and this is how she ate it.

November 27 - Full - a full plate of Swedish meatballs surely made me feel full also.

November 28 - Shopping - Small Business Saturday shopping at the local antique store for vintage Christmas postcards.

November 29 - Organizing - Organizing my strips of paper for the paper Christmas light garland I made for the office.

November 30 - Happy - Happy that the garage is done and all the contractors are gone.  At least until the spring when the driveway will get redone.

I think I missed two days, but the prompts for those days were too difficult for me to come up with something. The prompts in general were pretty good ones and I'm happy I was able to find something to photograph for most of them. 

1 comment:

Sabrina said...

That necklace is amazing! Lovely colours, and hard to believe it's safety-pins. My favourite is the window display, though of course cooking-related photos always interest me. Our kitchen is so dark that it's flash only and they don't always turn out so well. I'm happy for you that your garage is done for the time being!!